Resolution 2753 (2024)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 9764th meeting, on 30 October 2024
The Security Council,
Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President on the situation in Somalia,
Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia,
Underlining the importance of consolidating the peace and security gains made in Somalia, recognising that military action alone will not be sufficient to resolve… [read more] threats to peace and security in Somalia,
Emphasising its fundamental objective is to maintain peace and stability in Somalia by supporting state-building and peace-building, and through the advancement of Somalia’s national priorities,
Commending the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) for its concerted efforts to advance national priorities, including its proactive measures and initiatives aimed at countering terrorism and enhancing national security,
Emphasising the importance of effective and integrated support from the United Nations system and the international community for long-term peace, including through strengthening the capacity building of the FGS, to achieve peace, stability, and prosperity, and support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and welcoming to that end the FGS’s preparations for the implementation of the Somalia National Transformation Plan for the period 2025–2029, and the continuous implementation of the National Adaption Plan Framework, in cooperation with the United Nations system and regional organisations,
Recalling paragraph 3 of resolution 2705 (2023), concerning the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), now encouraging the United Nations Transitional Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNTMIS), working closely with the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), to consider ways to support Somalia’s National Transformation Plan to ensure continued and sustained development progress, in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework,
Welcoming the cooperation between UNSOM, United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS), the UNCT and the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), underlining the importance of collaborative working between the United Nations, African Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, other multilateral and bilateral partners and Somalia, and encouraging all entities to continue to strengthen the relationship further at all levels, including through the Senior Leadership Coordination Forum,
Requesting that during its transition, UNTMIS maintains presence, as appropriate, across Somalia to deliver its mandate, in coordination, as appropriate, with the FGS and FMS to deliver its transition mandate, and ensures strong cooperation with Somalia and the African Union, as the security situation allows, and expressing its appreciation and support for the further relocation of the UNCT to Somalia, as appropriate,
Recalling resolution 2687 (2023) and encouraging the Secretary-General, as appropriate, to consider options for greater nationalisation of UN functions in Somalia as a function of UNTMIS’s transition, including through sustained efforts in attracting and employing national staff wherever feasible and practical and where it could result in efficiencies and contribute to knowledge and skills transfer and national capacity building,
Reiterating the importance of inclusive dialogue and local reconciliation processes for stability in Somalia, and underscoring that the full, equal, meaningful and safe participation of women is essential to progress national priorities, and support reconciliation, security and transition from international security support, in line with the Somalia Transition Plan (STP) and National Security Architecture,
Expressing grave concern that Al-Shabaab continues to pose a serious threat to the peace, security and stability of Somalia and the region, condemning in the strongest possible terms terrorist attacks in Somalia and neighbouring states, and further expressing concern about the continued presence in Somalia of affiliates linked to ISIL/Da’esh, and expressing full support for the efforts by Somalia and ATMIS to counter the threat posed by Al-Shabaab,
Expressing serious concern about the humanitarian situation in Somalia, encouraging States to scale-up their humanitarian support to Somalia, and calling on all parties to the conflict to allow and facilitate, in accordance with relevant provisions of international law, including international humanitarian law, and in a manner consistent with the United Nations guiding principles of humanitarian emergency assistance (United Nations General Assembly resolution 46/182), including humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, the full, rapid, safe and unhindered provision of humanitarian assistance necessary to support persons in need across Somalia,
Calling on all parties to comply with their obligations under international law, and expressing continued concern about all violations of international humanitarian law, in particular the targeting of civilians, including humanitarian personnel, and any unlawful attacks against civilian objects, and violations and abuses of human rights, including those involving sexual and gender-based violence in conflict,
Calling on the FGS to continue collaboration with the United Nations to accelerate the implementation of the Joint Communiqué and the adoption and implementation of the National Action Plan to Combat Sexual Violence in Conflict,
Expressing deep concern about the high number of verified instances of the six grave violations against children documented in the Secretary-General’s annual report on children and armed conflict (S/2024/384), including the high number of grave violations attributed to Al-Shabaab, and urging the Somali Government authorities to
further strengthen efforts to end and prevent violations and abuses against children, including through continued collaboration with the United Nations to consolidate the gains of the two Action Plans on ending and preventing the recruitment and use and the killing and maiming of children and the road map to expedite their implementation, including at the local level,
Encouraging the FGS to continue engaging with the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission to enhance international support for Somalia’s peace-building objectives,
Recalling paragraph 6 of resolution 2705 (2023), which, inter alia, encouraged the FGS and Somalia’s Federal Member States (FMS) to deepen cooperation and collaboration at all levels, to make progress towards finalising the constitution, in an inclusive manner consistent with Somalia’s obligations under international law, prepare for free and fair national and local elections, advance political, national and local reconciliation, and promote the participation and inclusion of women, persons belonging to marginalised clans, youth and persons with disabilities, and uphold the rights of freedom of expression, association, peaceful assembly and movement, including the ability of journalists to operate freely,
Recalling the principles related to transitions of United Nations peace operations, including special political missions, set out in resolution 2594 (2021),
Calling on international partners to continue their financial and technical support to state-building and peace-building in Somalia, in line with Somalia’s National Stabilisation Strategy, FMS-level Stabilisation Plans, the Somalia National Development Plan, Somalia’s security sector development plans to implement the National Security Architecture and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, as appropriate,
1. Takes note of the letter dated 30 August 2024 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council, which contained the Federal Government of Somalia’s proposal for the transition of UNSOM to the United Nations Country Team over a two-year period;
2. Decides that UNSOM, whose mandate is set out in resolution 2158 (2014) and resolution 2592 (2021), and most recently extended by resolution 2705 (2023), shall be called the United Nations Transitional Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNTMIS) and that UNTMIS shall begin the formal transition of its functions from 1 November 2024;
3. Decides that UNTMIS shall deliver a first phase of its transition until 31 October 2025, as per the mandate set out in the resolutions referenced in paragraph 2 to this resolution but modified in line with paragraphs 6 and 7 to this resolution which set out the transition priorities for UNTMIS;
4. Affirms that the measures set out in paragraph 3 to this resolution constitute the first phase of UNTMIS’s anticipated two-phased transition to a United Nations Country Team and expresses its intention, informed by conditions on the ground, to terminate UNTMIS’s mandate at the end of the anticipated two-phased transition by 31 October 2026;
5. Calls upon the FGS and Somalia’s Federal Member States to cooperate fully with the UN during UNTMIS’s transition;
Transition priorities
6. Notes the FGS proposal referred to in paragraph 1 to this resolution, recognises the areas critical to Somalia’s needs during the transition and requests that in the first phase of its transition UNTMIS prioritise:
a. Support to state-building, including the constitutional review process and efforts to conduct free and fair elections, through inclusive and transparent one-person, one-vote processes, including through capacity building, technical assistance and policy guidance, and facilitation of dialogue to promote reconciliation,
b. Promotion and protection of human rights, including through institutional and human capacity building, technical assistance and policy guidance,
c. Support to United Nations entities to ensure system-wide implementation of the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy, where relevant, across United Nations support in country,
d. Rule of law, justice and corrections and security sector support, including through capacity building and technical assistance,
e. Coordination of international donor support, working with bilateral and multilateral partners, including to assist authorities to deliver basic services and community reconciliation, including in areas newly recovered from Al-Shabaab, and,
f. Coordination of United Nations efforts in Somalia,
g. Coordination with ATMIS’s anticipated successor mission, with a view to the progressive and phased transfer of these tasks in the second phase of its transition and requests that UNTMIS begins, from 1 November, planning and working towards the complete handover of any other outstanding tasks by the end of the second phase of UNTMIS’s transition;
7. Decides that in the first phase of its transition UNTMIS will complete the progressive and phased transfer, to the FGS, the UNCT and other stakeholders, as appropriate, of:
a. Coordination of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, and promotion of cooperation with relevant partners, to make maximum use of development financing, as well as climate financing, in Somalia in response to climate change,
b. Strategic policy advice on stabilization and disengagement of combatants, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration,
c. Support to the FGS to implement Somalia’s National Strategy and Action Plan for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and support to Somalia’s efforts to become a state party to the international counter-terrorism conventions and protocols,
d. Strategic policy advice on mine action, and,
e. Technical advice and capacity-building to support the FGS and FMS in their efforts to promote child protection, not including activities mandated under resolution 1612 (2005), and to enable the full, equal and meaningful participation of youth in peace and reconciliation efforts, conflict resolution and peacebuilding;
Review and reporting
8. Requests the Secretary-General prepare, in consultation with the FGS, a roadmap for delivering the first phase of the transition of UNTMIS’s tasks to the FGS, the UNCT and other stakeholders, in accordance with the elements set out in
paragraph 7 to this resolution, including the practical modalities for the transition, such as the reduction of UNTMIS personnel, and requests the Secretary-General to update the Council by including this roadmap in the first report referenced in paragraph 9 to this resolution;
9. Requests the Secretary-General to update the Security Council on the situation in Somalia, and on progress made in the implementation of the transition plan, related to the elements set out in paragraph 7 to this resolution, through two written reports, with the first report occurring before 30 March 2025 and the second before 30 September 2025;
10. Expresses its intention to review the progress of UNTMIS’s transition, as informed by the Secretary-General’s reporting, by 31 October 2025, to support decision-making on timelines for the handover of UNTMIS’s remaining tasks during the second phase of its transition;
11. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter. [^]