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Resolution 747

Angola (24 Mar)


Resolution 747 (1992)

of 24 March 1992

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolution 696 (1991) of 30 May 1991 by which it decided to entrust a new mandate to the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II as proposed by the Secretary-General in line with the Peace Accords for Angola,

Welcoming the continuing efforts of the Secretary-General to implement fully the mandate entrusted to the Mission,

Noting with satisfaction the efforts made so far by the Government of the People's Republic of Angola and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola to maintain the cease-fire and expressing concern over the delays and gaps in the completion of some major tasks arising from the Accords,

Stressing again the importance it attaches to the fulfilment by the parties in good faith of all obligations contained in the Accords,

Welcoming the appointment by the Secretary-General of a Special Representative for Angola who will be in charge of all current and projected activities of the United Nations in connection with the Accords and will also be the Chief of the Mission,

Taking into account the report of the Secretary-General of 31 October 1991 on the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II,275

Having considered the further report of the Secretary-General of 3 and 20 March 1992 on the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II,276

1. Approves the further report of the Secretary-General of 3 and 20 March 1992 on the United Nations Angola Verification Mission II276 and the recommendations contained therein concerning the operational plan for United Nations observation of the elections and the enlargement of the Mission;

2. Calls upon the Angolan parties to cooperate fully with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Angola and with the Mission, including in the discharge of its expanded mandate;

3. Underlines the necessity recalled in paragraph 18 of the report of the Secretary-General for the United Nations electoral mission to have the explicit agreement of the two parties to the Peace Accords for Angola;

4. Decides to enlarge the mandate of the Mission to include the mission provided for in paragraph 22 of the report of the Secretary-General for the remainder of its existing mandate period;

5. Urges the Angolan parties to comply scrupulously with the provisions of the Accords and with the agreed deadlines; and to this end, to proceed without delay with the demobilization of their troops, formation of a unified national armed force, effective operation of joint police monitoring units, extension of the central administration and other major tasks;

6. Calls upon the Angolan authorities and parties to finalize political, legal, organizational and budgetary preparations for free and fair multi-party elections to be held in September 1992 and to make available as soon as possible all available resources for the electoral process;

7. Encourages all States to contribute voluntarily and requests the United Nations programmes and specialized agencies to provide the assistance and support necessary to prepare for free and fair multi-party elections in Angola:

8. Urges the parties to establish as soon as possible a precise timetable for the electoral process in Angola so that elections can take place at the date fixed and requests the Secretary-General to extend his cooperation to this end;

9. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council informed of developments and to submit a further report to the Council within three months of the adoption of the present resolution.

Adopted unanimously at the 3062nd meeting

Angola (24 Mar)
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