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Resolution 888

El Salvador (30 Nov)


S/RES/888 (1993)
30 November 1993
RESOLUTION 888 (1993)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 3321st meeting,
on 30 November 1993
The Security Council,
Recalling its resolution 637 (1989) of 27 July 1989,
Recalling also its resolutions 693 (1991) of 20 May 1991, 714 (1991) of
30 September 1991, 729 (1992) of 14 January 1992, 784 (1992) of 30 October 1992,
791 (1992) of 30 November 1992 and 832 (1993) of 27 May 1993,
Recalling also its presidential statements of 18 March 1993, 11 June 1993
and 5 November 1993,
Having studied the report of the Secretary-General of 23 November 1993
Noting with appreciation the continuing efforts of the Secretary-General to
support the full and timely implementation of the agreements signed by the
Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación
Nacional (FMLN) to maintain and consolidate peace and promote reconciliation in
El Salvador,
Welcoming the Secretary-General’s observation that the peace process in
El Salvador has advanced, and that significant progress has been made towards
other objectives of the Peace Accords,
Concerned at the continuing problems and delays in implementing several
important components of the Peace Accords, including inter alia those related to
the transfer of lands, the reintegration into civilian society of ex-combatants
and war disabled, the deployment of the National Civil Police and the phasing
out of the National Police, and the recommendations of the Commission on the
Noting with concern the recent acts of violence in El Salvador, which may
indicate renewed activity by illegal armed groups, and could, if unchecked,
negatively affect the peace process in El Salvador including the elections
scheduled for March 1994,
93-67224 (E) /...
S/RES/888 (1993)
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Welcoming in this regard the efforts of the Secretary-General in
cooperation with the Government of El Salvador towards the establishment of a
mechanism to investigate illegal armed groups and their possible connection with
renewed political violence,
Noting also with concern the seemingly politically motivated murders of
members of the different political parties, including the FMLN and the Alianza
Republicana Nacionalista (ARENA),
Noting that El Salvador has entered a critical phase in the peace process
and that political parties have just begun a campaign for the elections to be
held in March 1994, which should take place in a peaceful environment,
Stressing the importance of free and fair elections as an essential element
of the entire peace process in El Salvador,
Noting recent progress in voter registration and stressing the importance
that all registered voters be issued relevant credentials so as to enable broad
participation in the elections,
Welcoming the commitment of the presidential candidates to peace and
stability in El Salvador of 5 November 1993, as referred to in paragraph 92 of
the report of the Secretary-General (S/26790),
Welcoming also the recent announcement by the Government of El Salvador to
expedite the implementation of the land transfer programme,
Welcoming also the work of the United Nations Observer Mission in
El Salvador (ONUSAL) and noting its vital importance to the entire peace and
reconciliation process in El Salvador,
Reiterating the necessity, in this as in all peace-keeping operations, to
continue to monitor expenditures carefully during this period of increasing
demands on peace-keeping resources,
1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 23 November 1993
2. Condemns recent acts of violence in El Salvador;
3. Expresses concern that important elements of the Peace Accords remain
only partially implemented;
4. Urges the Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Martí
para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) to make determined efforts to prevent
political violence and accelerate compliance with their commitments under the
Peace Accords;
5. Reaffirms its support for the Secretary-General’s use of his good
offices in the El Salvador peace process;
6. Reaffirms also its support, in this context, for the efforts of the
Secretary-General, in cooperation with the Government of El Salvador, aimed at
S/RES/888 (1993)
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the immediate launching of an impartial, independent and credible investigation
into illegal armed groups, and urges all sectors of society in El Salvador to
cooperate in such an investigation;
7. Calls upon all parties concerned to cooperate fully with the
Secretary-General’s Special Representative and ONUSAL in their task of verifying
the parties’ implementation of their commitments and urges them to complete such
implementation within the framework of the agreed calendar and the new timetable
proposed by ONUSAL;
8. Stresses the need to ensure that the police and public security
provisions of the Peace Accords are scrupulously observed, with full ONUSAL
verification, and that necessary steps are taken to complete the recovery of all
weapons held by private individuals, in contravention of the Peace Accords;
9. Urges the Government of El Salvador and the Frente Farabundo Martí
para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) to remove all obstacles facing implementation
of the land transfer programme and stresses the need to accelerate reintegration
programmes for ex-combatants of both sides in conformity with the Peace Accords;
10. Reaffirms the need for full and timely implementation of the
recommendations of the Commission on the Truth;
11. Calls upon the relevant authorities in El Salvador to take all
necessary measures to ensure that the elections to be held in March 1994 be free
and fair and requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide assistance in
this regard;
12. Urges all States, as well as the international institutions engaged in
the fields of development and finance, to contribute promptly and generously in
support of the implementation of all aspects of the Peace Accords;
13. Decides to extend the mandate of ONUSAL until 31 May 1994;
14. Requests the Secretary-General to keep the Security Council fully
informed of further developments in the El Salvador peace process;
15. Requests the Secretary-General to report by 1 May 1994 on the
operations of ONUSAL so that the Council may review the Mission’s size and scope
for the period after 31 May 1994, taking into account the Secretary-General’s
relevant recommendations for the fulfilment and completion of its mandate;
16. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

El Salvador
El Salvador (30 Nov)
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920 961
Security Council Composition