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Resolution 2750

Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (1591 Committee).


Resolution 2750 (2024)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 9721st meeting, on 11 September 2024
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions concerning Sudan, in particular 1591 (2005), 1651 (2005), 1665 (2006), 1672 (2006), 1713 (2006), 1779 (2007), 1841 (2008), 1891 (2009), 1945 (2010), 1982 (2011), 2035 (2012), 2091 (2013), 2138 (2014), 2200 (2015), 2265 (2016), 2340 (2017), 2400 (2018), 2455 (2019), 2508 (2020), 2562 (2021), 2620 (2022), supplemented by 2664 (2022), S/RES/2676 (2023), S/RES/2725 (2024), and S/RES/2736 (2024) its Presidential Statement of 11 December 2018 (S/PRST/2018/19), and its press statements, and reiterating its strong commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Sudan,
Reaffirming the importance of all parties to the conflict ensuring the protection of civilians and promoting accountability for human rights violations and abuses and violations of international humanitarian law,
Recalling the final report of the Sudan Panel of Experts (S/2024/65),
Underscoring that the measures recalled in paragraph 1 to respond to the situation in Darfur are not targeted towards the Sudanese authorities,
Taking note of the Secretary-General’s letter of 24 November 2023 to the Security Council (S/2023/918) and the Government of Sudan’s letter of 30 November 2023 to the Committee (S/AC.47/2023/COMM.8) with reference to paragraph 5 of its resolution 2676 (2023), requesting an assessment on progress achieved on the key benchmarks established in paragraph 4 of its resolution 2676 (2023),
Recognizing the need to safeguard due process, and to ensure fair and clear procedures for delisting individuals and entities designated pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) and subsequent resolutions, and welcoming the adoption of resolution 2744 (2024) enhancing the mandate and procedure of the Focal Point for Delisting,
Determining that the situation in Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,
Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
1. Recalls the measures imposed by paragraphs 7 and 8 of resolution 1556 (2004), as modified by paragraph 7 of resolution 1591 (2005), and paragraph 4 of resolution 2035 (2012), the listing criteria and measures imposed by subparagraphs (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 3 of resolution 1591 (2005), as modified by paragraph 3 of resolution 2035 (2012), and the provisions of subparagraph (f), (g) of paragraph 3 of resolution 1591 (2005), paragraph 9 of resolution 1556 (2004), and paragraph 4 of resolution 2035 (2012), and decides to reaffirm and renew these measures until 12 September 2025, and to make a decision regarding their further renewal no later than 12 September 2025;
2. Recalls the provisions of resolution 2725 (2024);
3. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

Sudan, South, Sudan
Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (1591 Committee).
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