Resolution 567 (1985) of 20 June 1985
The Security Council,
Having heard the statement of the Minister for External Relations of the People's Republic of Angola,
Recalling its resolutions 387 (1976), 418 (1977), 428 (1978), 447 (1979), 454 (1979), 475 (1980), 545 (1983)
and 546 (1984),
Gravely concerned at the renewed escalation of unprovoked and persistent acts of aggression committed by the
racist regime of South Africa in violation of the sovereignty, airspace and territorial integrity of … [read more]Angola,
as evidenced by the recent military attack in the province of Cabinda,
Conscious of the need to take effective steps for the prevention and removal of all threats to international peace
and security posed by South Africa's military attacks;
1. Strongly condemns South Africa for its recent act of aggression against the territory of Angola in the Province
of Cabinda as well as for its renewed intensified, premeditated and unprovoked acts of aggression, which constitute
a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of that country and seriously endanger
international peace and security;
2. Further strongly condemns South Africa for its utilization of the international Territory of Namibia as a
springboard for perpetrating its armed attacks as well as sustaining its occupation of parts of the territory
of Angola;
3. Demands that South Africa should unconditionally withdraw forthwith all its occupation forces from the
territory of Angola, cease all acts of aggression against that State and scrupulously respect the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the People's Republic of Angola;
4. Considers that Angola is entitled to appropriate redress and compensation for any material damage it has
5. Requests the Secretary-General to monitor the implementation of the present resolution and report to the
Security Council;
6. Decides to remain seized of the matter.
Adopted unanimously at the 2597th meeting. [^]