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Resolution 1746

The situation in Afghanistan


S/RES/1746 (2007)
Security Council Distr.: General
23 March 2007
07-28047 (E)
Resolution 1746 (2007)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5645th meeting on
23 March 2007
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions on Afghanistan, in particular its resolution
1662 (2006) extending through 23 March 2007 the mandate of the United Nations
Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) as laid out in the report of the
Secretary-General of 7 March 2006 (S/2006/145), and its resolution 1659 (2006)
endorsing the Afghanistan Compact, and recalling also the report of the Security
Council mission to Afghanistan, 11 to 16 November 2006 (S/2006/935),
Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial
integrity and national unity of Afghanistan,
Reaffirming its continued support for the Government and people of
Afghanistan as they rebuild their country, strengthen the foundations of sustainable
peace and constitutional democracy and assume their rightful place in the
community of nations,
Reaffirming in this context its support for the implementation, under the
ownership of the Afghan people, of the Afghanistan Compact, of the Afghanistan
National Development Strategy (ANDS) and of the National Drugs Control Strategy,
and noting that sustained efforts by all relevant actors are required to consolidate
progress made towards their implementation and to overcome current challenges,
Recalling that the Afghanistan Compact is based on a partnership between the
Afghan Government and the international community, with a central and impartial
coordinating role for the United Nations,
Recognizing once again the interconnected nature of the challenges in
Afghanistan, reaffirming that sustainable progress on security, governance and
development, as well as the cross-cutting issue of counter-narcotics is mutually
reinforcing and welcoming the continuing efforts of the Afghan Government and the
international community to address these challenges in a coherent manner through
the comprehensive framework provided by the Afghanistan Compact,
Noting, in the context of a comprehensive approach, the synergies in the
objectives of UNAMA and of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF),
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and stressing the need for continued cooperation and coordination, taking due
account of their respective designated responsibilities,
Reiterating its concern about the security situation in Afghanistan, in particular
the increased violent and terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, illegally
armed groups and those involved in the narcotics trade, and the links between
terrorism activities and illicit drugs, resulting in threats to the local population,
national security forces and international military and civilian personnel, and
stressing the importance of the security and safety of the United Nations and
associated personnel,
Expressing also its concern over the harmful consequences of the insurgency
on the capacity of the Afghan Government to provide security and basic services to
the Afghan people, and to ensure the full enjoyment of their human rights and
fundamental freedoms,
Recalling the importance of the Kabul Declaration of 22 December 2002 on
Good-Neighbourly Relations (Kabul Declaration) (S/2002/1416), welcoming the
New Delhi Declaration adopted at the Second Regional Economic Cooperation
Conference on Afghanistan on 19 November 2006, looking forward to the Third
Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan to be held in
Islamabad, Pakistan in 2007, and stressing the crucial importance to all parties of
advancing regional cooperation as an effective means to promote security,
governance and development in Afghanistan,
Recalling its resolutions 1265 (1999), 1296 (2000), 1674 (2006), 1738 (2006)
on the protection of civilians in armed conflict and its resolution 1325 (2000) on
women and peace and security,
Stressing the central and impartial role that the United Nations continues to
play in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan by leading the efforts of the
international community, including, jointly with the Government of Afghanistan, the
coordination and monitoring of efforts in implementing the Afghanistan Compact,
and expressing its appreciation and strong support for the ongoing efforts of the
Secretary-General, his Special Representative for Afghanistan and the women and
men of UNAMA,
1. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General of 15 March 2007
2. Expresses its appreciation for the United Nations long-term commitment
to work with the Government and the people of Afghanistan;
3. Decides to extend the mandate of UNAMA, as established by resolution
1662 (2006), until 23 March 2008;
4. Stresses the role of UNAMA to promote a more coherent international
engagement in support of Afghanistan, to extend its good offices through outreach
in Afghanistan, to support regional cooperation in the context of the Afghanistan
Compact, to promote humanitarian coordination and to continue to contribute to
human rights protection and promotion, including monitoring of the situation of
civilians in armed conflict;
5. Welcomes UNAMA’s expanded presence in the provinces, through
regional and provincial offices, which support efforts at the central level to
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coordinate and monitor the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact and assist
the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan and its international partners in
improving the delivery of services to Afghan citizens throughout the country, and
encourages further progress in this regard, including in the southern and eastern
provinces, security circumstances permitting;
6. Reiterates its call on the Afghan Government, and on all members of the
international community and international organizations, to implement the
Afghanistan Compact and its annexes in full;
7. Emphasizes the importance of meeting the benchmarks and timelines of
the Compact for the progress on security, governance and development as well as
the cross-cutting issue of counter-narcotics and of increasing the effectiveness and
coordination of the assistance to Afghanistan;
8. Acknowledges the central role played by the Joint Coordination and
Monitoring Board in facilitating and monitoring the implementation of the Compact,
stresses the role of the JCMB to support Afghanistan by, inter alia, coordinating
international assistance and reconstruction programmes, encourages efforts to
strengthen the JCMB Secretariat, welcomes the results of the JCMB meeting at
senior officials level held in Berlin on 30 and 31 January 2007, and encourages
further efforts to provide appropriate high level political guidance and promote a
more coherent international engagement;
9. Calls on all Afghan parties and groups to engage constructively in an
inclusive political dialogue, within the framework of the Afghan Constitution and
Afghan-led reconciliation programmes, and in the social development of the
country, and stresses the importance of these factors to enhance security and
10. Stresses the need for further progress on security sector reform, inter alia
in order to advance towards the goal of ethnically balanced Afghan security forces
providing security and ensuring the rule of law throughout the country, welcomes in
this regard the ongoing efforts to increase functionality, professionalism and
accountability of the security sector, including the Afghan National Army and the
Afghan National Police, including the recent proposed contributions by the United
States and other partners, and calls for proper monitoring of the deployment of the
Auxiliary Police to ensure its accountability to central authorities;
11. Welcomes the decision by the European Union to establish a mission in
the field of policing with linkages to the wider rule of law and counter narcotics, to
assist and enhance current efforts in the area of police reform at central and
provincial levels, and looks forward to the early launch of the mission;
12. Welcomes the successful conclusion of the disarmament, demobilization
and reintegration (DDR) process started in October 2003, as well as the launch of
the programme of disbandment of illegal armed groups (DIAG) and the
commitments made in this regard at the Second Tokyo Conference on Consolidation
of Peace in Afghanistan on 5 July 2006, calls for determined efforts by the Afghan
Government to pursue at all levels the timely implementation of the programme
throughout the country, including through the implementation of the newly adopted
Action Plan, and requests the international community to extend further assistance
to these efforts, taking fully into account the guidance by UNAMA;
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13. Stresses the need for accelerated progress in the implementation of the
10-year strategy for justice reform in the framework of the Afghanistan Compact,
including through definition of responsibilities and provision of adequate resources,
invites the Afghan Government, with the assistance of the international community,
to continue to work towards the establishment of a fair and transparent justice
system, including the reconstruction and reform of the correctional system, in order
to strengthen the rule of law throughout the country and eliminate impunity, and
takes note with interest of the initiative to organize in Rome a Conference on Rule
of Law in Afghanistan to enhance Afghan and international commitment to justice
sector reform;
14. Welcomes the continued efforts by the Afghan authorities to promote
legislative reform, and stresses the importance of international support for capacitybuilding
in such reform and its implementation;
15. Welcomes the establishment of the provincial councils in accordance with
the Afghan Constitution, encourages all institutions to work in a spirit of
cooperation, calls on the Afghan Government to pursue continued public
administrative reform in order to ensure good governance, full representation and
accountability at both national and local levels, and stresses the need for further
international efforts to provide technical assistance in this regard, particularly at the
local level;
16. Calls upon the Afghan Government, with support from the international
community, to begin planning and preparation for Afghanistan’s next election cycle,
including the establishment of a permanent Civil Voter Registry (CVR) as called for
in the Afghanistan Compact, the passage and implementation of an updated Election
Law, and financial and political support for the Independent Election Commission
(IEC) to ensure that it possesses the resources needed, and to ensure that
Afghanistan is set on the path to the creation of affordable and sustainable systems
that will contribute to free, fair and transparent elections;
17. Notes with concern the effects of widespread corruption on security, good
governance and counter-narcotics efforts, and calls on the Afghan Government, with
the assistance of the international community, to vigorously lead the fight against
corruption and to sustain its efforts to establish a more effective, accountable and
transparent administration, and welcomes recent steps by the Afghan Government in
this regard;
18. Calls for full respect for human rights and international humanitarian law
throughout Afghanistan; requests UNAMA, with the support of the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to continue to assist in the
full implementation of the human rights provisions of the Afghan Constitution and
international treaties to which Afghanistan is a state party, in particular those
regarding the full enjoyment by women of their human rights; commends the Afghan
Independent Human Rights Commission for its courageous efforts to monitor
respect for human rights in Afghanistan as well as to foster and protect these rights;
19. Stresses the importance of the ongoing process of national reconciliation
undertaken by the Government of Afghanistan and encourages the full and timely
implementation, with international support, of the Action Plan on Peace, Justice and
Reconciliation in accordance with the Afghanistan Compact, without prejudice to
the implementation of measures introduced by the Security Council in its resolution
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1267 (1999) of 15 October 1999 and other relevant resolutions of the Security
20. Welcomes the cooperation of the Afghan Government and UNAMA with
the Security Council’s Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999)
with the implementation of resolution 1735 (2006), and encourages the continuation
of such cooperation;
21. Welcomes the progress made in the implementation of the ANDS,
stresses the need for continued leadership by the Afghan Government in its
implementation, and encourages the participants at the London Conference to
continue to fulfil and consider increasing their pledges, including financial
assistance for the implementation of the Strategy;
22. Expresses its concern at the serious harm that increasing opium
cultivation, production and trafficking causes to the security, development and
governance of Afghanistan as well as to the region and internationally; calls on the
Afghan Government, with the assistance of the international community, to pursue
effective implementation of the National Drug Control Strategy; and encourages
additional international support for the four priorities identified in that Strategy,
including through contributions to the Counter Narcotics Trust Fund and continued
regional cooperation for the fight against the illicit trafficking in drugs and
precursors and against money-laundering linked to such trafficking;
23. Welcomes the outcome of the Second Ministerial Conference on Drug
Trafficking Routes from Afghanistan organized by the Government of the Russian
Federation in cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime held
in Moscow from 26 to 28 June 2006 (S/2006/598), within the framework of the
Paris Pact initiative, and calls upon States to strengthen international and regional
cooperation to counter the threat to the international community posed by the illicit
production and trafficking of drugs originated in Afghanistan;
24. Calls upon all Afghan and international parties to continue to cooperate
with UNAMA in the implementation of its mandate and in efforts to promote the
security and freedom of movement of United Nations and associated personnel
throughout the country;
25. Calls upon the Afghan Government, with the assistance of the
international community, including the International Security Assistance Force and
Operation Enduring Freedom coalition, in accordance with their respective
designated responsibilities as they evolve, to continue to address the threat to the
security and stability of Afghanistan posed by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, other extremist
groups and criminal activities, welcomes the completion of ISAF’s expansion
throughout Afghanistan and calls upon all parties to uphold international
humanitarian and human rights law and to ensure the protection of civilian life;
26. Welcomes the ongoing efforts by the Government of Afghanistan and its
neighbouring and regional partners to foster trust and cooperation with each other,
stresses the importance of increasing cooperation between Afghanistan and the
partners against the Taliban, Al-Qaida and other extremist groups, in promoting
peace and prosperity in Afghanistan and in fostering cooperation in the economic
and development sectors as a means to achieve the full integration of Afghanistan
into regional dynamics and the global economy, and further welcomes progress in
this regard;
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27. Recognizes the importance of voluntary, safe, orderly return and
sustainable reintegration of the remaining Afghan refugees for the stability of the
country and the region, and calls for continued and enhanced international
assistance in this regard;
28. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council every six months
on developments in Afghanistan;
29. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

The situation in Afghanistan
Related with resolutions
1265 1267 1296 1325 1659 1662 1674 1735 1738
Quoted in resolutions
1776 1806 1868 1917 1974 2041 2096 2145 2183 2210 2274 2344 2405 2460 2489 2543 2626
Security Council Composition